Pet Advice
Caring for the furry members of our family can be a bit challenging at times. While these loved ones can provide a great deal of fun and affection, it is still a fact that they can be a bit of trouble. Or, you may have just purchased a dog or cat and are unaware of how it should be raised. From the most common questions to those which require the sound advice of a trained professional, where are you to turn? This is a very interesting question and for you to make the right choices at the right times, it is a good idea to list the tools at your disposal. So, let’s take a quick look at some powerful sources of guidance that are much closer than you think!
The Veterinarian
This should be the most obvious choice. A veterinarian can help you immensely if you have a question about your pet. However, keep in mind that his or her expertise will tend to revolve more around physical or medical conditions as opposed to behavioral issues. This doctor is also an excellent option because they are likely to be familiar with the history of your pet. An accurate diagnosis is much more likely to take place. Even if they are unable to help with emotional or training issues, the chances are very high that they will be able to recommend someone who can.
General Information Sites
Always remember that the Internet is a tool that should never be passed up. In fact, many of us will browse through select sites to obtain advice on a career, our health, and even our love life. So, why not take advantage of these websites that are specifically intended to help you with any pet-related issues? Some of the top sites include (but are by no means limited to):
These are all able to offer you the insight and clarity that may otherwise be lacking. We should still mention a word of caution here. Not all advice sites are created equally and some may even offer the wrong suggestions. In other words, do your homework carefully. Are those offering suggestions accredited in their field? How long have they been practicing? Can they back up their reputation? Also, what are others saying about the advice that they have received? The last thing that anyone desires are to be fed the wrong information only to have it backfire at a later date!
Caring for the furry members of our family can be a bit challenging at times. While these loved ones are able to provide a great deal of fun and affection, it is still a fact that they can be a bit of trouble. Or, you may have just purchased a dog or cat and are unaware of how it should be raised. From the most common questions to those which require the sound advice of a trained professional, where are you to turn? This is a very interesting question and in order for you to make the right choices at the right times, it is a good idea to list the tools at your disposal. So, let’s take a quick look at some powerful sources of guidance that are much closer than you think!
The Veterinarian
This should be the most obvious choice. A veterinarian is able to help you immensely if you have a question about your pet. However, keep in mind that his or her expertise will tend to revolve more around physical or medical conditions as opposed to behavioral issues. This doctor is also an excellent option due to the fact that they are likely to be familiar with the history of your pet. An accurate diagnosis is much more likely to take place. Even if they are unable to help with emotional or training issues, the chances are very high that they will be able to recommend someone who can.
General Information Sites
Always remember that the Internet is a tool that should never be passed up. In fact, many of us will browse through select sites to obtain advice on a career, our health and even our love life. So, why not take advantage of these websites that are specifically intended to help you with any pet-related issues? Some of the top sites include (but are by no means limited to):
These are all able to offer you the insight and clarity that may otherwise be lacking. We should still mention a word of caution here. Not all advice sites are created equally and some may even offer the wrong suggestions. In other words, do your homework carefully. Are those offering suggestions accredited in their field? How long have they been practising? Can they back up their reputation? Also, what are others saying about the advice that they have received. The last thing that anyone desires is to be fed the wrong information only to have it backfire at a later date!
Online Pet Forums
The major advantage of a forum is that you are likely to encounter others who have similar issues that you may be experiencing. These portals are especially useful for training-related issues, grooming tips and disciplinary problems. Along the way, you could even make a few friends. Most (if not all) of these forums are absolutely free to join. They are also highly convenient due to the fact that after you post a question, you will be notified via email if you receive a response. So, time and energy are both saved. A handful of the largest forums are: (currently the largest within the United Kingdom) (numerous links to other trusted portals)
Once again, we should note here that forums are intended to provide advice from those who are not necessarily trained professionals. You can envision such resources more as friendly opinions as opposed to tried-and-true solutions. What may have worked well for one owner might not necessarily apply to your situation. It is therefore a good idea to join a number of these forums so that you will receive a well-rounded selection of answers.
WebMD (for Pets)
As the name suggests, the is the animal counterpart to the popular human site and the same rules apply. By no means is WebMD intended to be used alone without consulting a veterinarian. Instead, it is an effective tool to appreciate specific behaviours or physical conditions. WebMD for pets should be used in conjunction with the advice from a trained medical professional. Still, there are countless insightful pages that may shed some light on the answers to a specific question.
Friends with Pets
Do you have a friend that owns a cat, dog or a similar pet? If so, these trusted individuals can be a great place to begin. They are even more effective if they have owned a number of animals over the years. When you explain your situation to them, you could be pleasantly surprised at the answers provided. Another excellent aspect of having a friend with a pet is that in terms of behavioural issues, they could be able to point out what you are failing to realise based upon your personality (such as if you are scolding a cat too much or not paying enough attention to a puppy). The advice is free and there is nothing wrong with employing the knowledge of those around you.
There are literally thousands of different pet-related articles to be found within this massive user-contributed portal. Most are highly detailed and are constructed in a similar manner (such as the breed, its history, the temperament and common health issues). Another beneficial aspect of Wikipedia is that you can quickly click upon an embedded link and be transferred to a more relative page. This can save a great deal of time when compared to performing seemingly endless searches across the Internet. Similar to the other tools that we have mentioned, the authors within Wikipedia are not necessarily experts and while they could link to professional third-party pages, any advice should be backed up through the help of an expert within the field.
Cat and Dog Whisperers?
You have likely heard of the term “horse whisperer”, but did you know that there are pet whisperers as well? A simple online search will provide you with a wide spectrum of choices. So, what exactly is a pet whisperer and how can this rather strange skill come in handy?
A pet whisperer is able to “communicate” with cats, dogs and other domestic animals. This is accomplished by an understanding of mannerisms, eye contact and other subtle actions that you may not even realise that the animal is displaying. On many occasions, such a whisperer can provide some very real insight into what the pet may be experiencing on an emotional level. These individuals are therefore very useful if you are having behavioural or training problems.
Putting it All Together
So, we can clearly see that a kaleidoscope of resources are immediately available when you need them the most. It is wise to use two or more in conjunction, for the answers to your questions may become clearer. Once again, it is still prudent to seek the help of a qualified veterinarian or similarly trained professional to fully understand any issues that your pet could be enduring. A furry friend is a true member of the family and each one deserves the same amount of attention and caring. This possibility has now become a reality