Keep Other Cats Out of Your Garden
Cats are free spirits to a certain extent. If you own a cat you’ll be aware they disappear off once they go out into your garden, and you may have no idea where they go until they come strutting back for dinner!
Even though you have a cat, it doesn’t mean you want every other neighborhood cat in your garden as well. Your cat will likely see off some of them as it will mark and own its territory, but this isn’t always the case.
Here are some tips to cat-proof your garden – and make it safe as well.
Remove all temptations
Cats never say no to food, which is why it is important not to leave food out – even if it is intended for your cat. Even a handful of dry biscuits can send a clear signal to neighborhood cats that your home is a home worth visiting!
Cats aren’t too discerning when it comes to rubbish either. Chicken bones and other discarded food should be well-wrapped before being disposed of. Make sure your dustbin lid is firmly secured as well. If cats know they can easily get into your bin, they’ll be in there as often as the chance presents itself.
Installing motion-sensor sprinklers
This can be done if you don’t have a cat yourself. As soon as a cat goes near the sprinkler, it switches on and gives the cat a mild soaking. After a time or two, the cat will know not to go near it. You could also install them if you do have a cat – just remember to switch them off before you let your cat out!
Get rid of any poisonous plants
If you have neighborhood cats coming into your garden – regardless of whether you own a cat or not – you may want to consider checking for any poisonous plants in your garden. Even if you are not a cat lover, you wouldn’t want any cat to fall ill or even die because of something it ate in your garden.
Lilies are well-known to cause serious illness and even death in cats. Other common garden plants – including foxgloves and rhododendrons – can also cause illness.
Make sure all sheds and outbuildings are kept locked
You would usually do this for security reasons, of course, but it is good to make sure cats don’t have an opportunity to sneak into buildings as well. Sheds are filled with garden implements, many of which are sharp. A cat could easily be injured if it gets into a shed or garage.
If you have your shed open because you are working in the garden, make sure you check it thoroughly before closing it at the end of the day. This will help ensure no cats can be trapped in there – an experience that could be very upsetting and stressful for them.
As you can see, there are ways to reduce the odds of cats coming into your garden. You can also make sure your own cat if you have one, is safe whenever they go outside.