Cockatiels are considered wonderful birds with wonderful shapes and colors, and if you are thinking of breeding one of the cockatiels, you just need to choose between a large number of colors that the cockatiel birds are famous for, and we will discuss the most famous in this Article in some detail:
Different Types of Cockatiels
Let’s learn about the different types of cockatiels and their colors
Gray Cockatiel:
Gray cockatiels are the most common color among cockatiels. These birds have dark gray plumage all over their bodies, with yellow or white markings on their wings and tails. Gray cockatiels usually have orange spots on the cheek.
Cockatiel Pearl:
The pearly cockatiel is another color mutation characterized by a unique scalloped pattern of white spots on the body, wings, and head. These spots are referred to as pearls, hence the name of this Cockatiel. What is amazing is that female cockatiels retain these spots throughout their lives, while males only have most of these spots after Hair loss for the first time.
Cockatiel Bed:
This cockatiel appeared as a result of a recessive genetic mutation, these birds appear with wet spots in areas where melanin is absent, and we find that their eyes are darker and their legs are lighter than the normal gray cockatiel, and surprisingly in this species, no two birds are alike in shape.
The White Face Cockatiel:
The white-faced cockatiel lacks the orange spots characteristic of other cockatiels, and this is a result of the effect of the mutation that causes the lack of an orange cheek patch and yellow pigmentation of the feathers. The result is white-faced birds with stripes of gray feathers on the body. Females have to have a completely gray face.
Albino Cockatiel:
When the cockatiel produces no pigment at all, it is called an albino. These birds have a pure white appearance and red eyes. Females in this species can be distinguished from males by a visible septum on the underside of their wings.
Silver Cockatiel:
Silver is another striking color for cockatiel birds, in general, their body color is light, silvery gray, and their eyes are red, the silver cockatiel has dark metallic silver plumage, orange cheek spots, and black eyes, beaks, and feet.
Cinnamon Cockatiel:
Instead of having a naturally gray body, Cinnamon Cockatiels have a brown color like Cinnamon, giving them a calm appearance. Their dark eyes complement their gray-brown color which is a common color among cockatiels. Like the regular Gray Cockatiel, the Cinnamon Cockatiel male has a bright yellow mask and orange spots. On the cheek after molting, on the other hand, females have pale cheek spots, their face does not turn yellow at all, and their tail feathers are white or yellow.
Fallo Cockatiel:
The Fallo cockatiel has a yellowish-brown body that looks dull, and their wings and undersides may appear gray, their eyes may have a slight red tint, and their white heads may show some yellow.
Lutino Cockatiel:
In the Lutino Cockatiel, only orange and yellow tints appear. These birds have bright yellow faces and orange cheek patches, their red eyes contrasting with their white Feather bodies.
Cocktail birds sounds:
Having a cockatiel can be a very rewarding and enriching experience, mainly because of the variety of beautiful sounds they make. These are deeply expressive birds, and it is easy to convince yourself that you both have a unique communication style in your relationship. However, cockatiels make certain sounds regardless of the owner, If you’re interested to know exactly what these sounds mean, read on to find out what the Different types of cocktail Sounds are and what it means.
1. Cockatiel Screaming:
This is a sound that needs a little explanation Cockatiels sometimes make a sharp, high-pitched squeak that is impossible to ignore They are designed to attract attention and birds use it when they are sad, lonely, frightened or upset, Cockatiels are social animals by nature, so they can scream to let other birds know there is a predator in the area or to alert them to other problems they might face, then, what is the meaning of Screaming cocktails? We don’t know – it’s up to you to find out, however, as you get to know your bird better you should have a good idea of what bothers him most.
2. The sound of the whistle:
Whistling is more rhythmic than screeching, but it can be annoying when it goes on for hours and hours on end, Whistling is sometimes called singing, and is usually done by males looking for mating, your bird may be hissing because it is feeling in love, or it may have just peeked He looked at himself in the mirror and admired what he saw if you don’t want to deal with your cockatiel whistling, the best way to avoid it is to bring a female home.
3. The Voice of imitating:
Many people don’t realize it, but cockatiels are able to produce accurate copies of the human voice, and some have even learned a variety of words and phrases that they can repeat on demand. As with whistling, males are more likely to imitate sounds than females, if If you want to teach your bird to imitate you, speak slowly and in a low tone, as they will speak back to you in a louder voice. You have to be patient. It can take months of trying before a cockatiel can imitate you, so practice every day and don’t give up.
4. Hissing sound:
Just like the hissing of cats, snakes, and crickets, cockatiels can sometimes make a sound when they feel angry or threatened, unlike some other hiss you’ll hear in the animal kingdom, cockatiel’S hissing is short, quiet, and not at all frightening.
5. The sound of chirping:
The chirping is one of the most pleasant sounds a cockatiel bird can make. They chirp when they are happy or satisfied, and they often tweet to let you know that they consider you a member of the flock. Unlike many of the other sounds on this list, the chirping is not sharp or forceful. Not likely to be annoying, the only exception is if they start chirping at sunrise, in which case you might want to move them to another room. They often tweet when they’re curious too, if they see something new they don’t feel threatened by, they might tweet it or In your face so they feel like they have a better understanding of it, too, feel free to talk to them or chirp, they love it – that’s what other birds would do in the wild, after all.
6. Calling sounds:
Cockatiels are social creatures, they like to check on the other members of their flock, but doing so is not easy if the other animal is out of sight. This is the time to use calling sounds if the cockatiel is constantly making calling noises or whistling all over the place. Once you leave the room, it means that cockatiel is worried about you – and may start to panic if you don’t respond, this can be incredibly stressful for them, so make sure you talk to them or whistle again so they know you’re okay.
7. Grinding the beak:
Beak grinding is the same way cats purr. It is the animal’s way of signaling that it is happy and satisfied. Cockatiels often grind their beaks while they are petted. They also often do this before bed. Beak squeaking is usually accompanied by fanning the face feathers over the mouth and letting the feathers On the body become thin and ruffled.
Read also – All about Cockatiel Birds and how to breed them at home
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How many years does a cockatiel live?
A: Cockatiels can live up to 25 years with proper care and feeding
Q: What do cockatiel birds eat?
A: Cockatiels mainly eat a complete and balanced diet of food grains made specifically for the cocktail, as well as smaller amounts of vegetables and fruits, with seeds infrequently.
Q: What vegetables can a cocktail eat?
A: Cocktails can eat most vegetables except avocado, onion, and garlic.
Q: What fruit can a cocktail eat?
A: Cockatiels can eat most of the fruit, except for the seeds of the fruit.
Q: How do I tame a cockatiel?
A: By talking nicely and gently handling the cockatiel daily, as well as rewarding him with his favorite food when standing on your hand, you can make the cockatiel sociable and create a bond over time.
Q: How do I trim cocktail wings?
A: Wings should only be trimmed by a trained professional or someone who has been taught how to properly trim the feathers; Otherwise, your bird could be seriously injured. In order to properly clip the wings of the cockatiel, the five outermost primary feathers must be trimmed to a level just below the feathers hidden inside the wings. The goal is to shorten enough so that the bird cannot fly high. Feathers that are Newly emerged (called blood feathers because they have blood in the shaft, which eventually retracts as the feather matures), otherwise the bird will bleed.
Q: How does a cockatiel bathe?
A: Water bowls should be large enough for birds to bathe in. Birds that do not bathe regularly can be sprayed several times a week with warm water to help maintain healthy plumage.
Q: How do I know the gender of a cocktail?
A: Males and females can be distinguished in the common gray cockatiel. Males have deeper gray plumage and brighter orange cheek feathers than females, which are more grayish-orange. Females also have horizontal stripes on the underside of their tails, noting that these stripes are in both sexes up to the age of six months; After that, it is kept only by the females, and the males also have solid gray plumage on the underside of the wings, as opposed to gray with white or yellow spots on the females.
Q: How long do cockatiel eggs take to hatch?
A: If the egg is fertilized, the cockatiel takes an average of 20 days to sit on it before it hatches.