stages of cats life
Cats, are the most beloved pet by humans, watch how stages of cats life are determined with pictures!
Many people wonder about the stages of cat growth and how to determine the life stages of cats, but unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation on this subject.
We will talk in detail about how to determine the life stages of cats with pictures.
But at the beginning, we will talk about the stages of the development of the cat fetus before its birth.
Cat pregnancy stages.
The life cycle of cats begins inside the womb of the cat through the fertilization of the female by the male, through the process of mating, which can occur more than 20 times during a period of 30 to 45 days.
Two weeks after the fertilization of female cats, the cat’s life cycle begins inside the womb.
How are the kittens formed inside the womb of the mother cat?
The life cycle of cats differs from that of dogs and humans, as they pass through four separate stages!
Stages of development of the cat fetus
In the first stage, the age of the fetus is more than three weeks At this stage, the symptoms of pregnancy begin to appear on the cat (the stages of cat pregnancy in pictures), and the fetus begins to form (the internal organs of the fetus’s body, the head of the fetus). The fetus begins to obtain nutrients from its mother through the placenta. However, the fetus at this stage is not more than 2.5 cm long.
Cats start this stage.
Stages of fetal development of cats, the second stage of the fetus after four weeks.
The length of the fetus increases at this stage and reaches about 4 cm, and through the fetus benefiting from the nutrients transferred to it by the mother through the placenta, the fetus’s teeth begin to form and the bones of the fetus become stronger.
At this stage also, the fetus has begun to move in the mother’s womb, and after the fetus ends the sixth week in the mother’s womb from the age of the cat, its hair begins to grow, and its ears and tail also grow.
The fetus begins to develop its senses of smell, hearing, and other senses during the seventh and eighth week of the cat’s pregnancy.
stages of cats life with pictures
Stages of the development of the fetus of cats, the stage of the birth of kittens.
After 60 days have passed, which is the duration of the cat’s pregnancy, the mother begins to search for the appropriate place to place the fetuses, and among the symptoms of this stage, the mother shows some symptoms such as milk leakage from the cat’s nipples, purring, low temperature, and the contractions are clear on the cat.
The age of kittens is calculated from the first day of the kitten’s birth.
Cats give birth to their offspring after the gestation period, the weight of the cat reaches 350 grams and its length sometimes reaches 17 cm.
Cat pregnancy symptoms.
- Increased appetite in cats, cats’ appetite increases during pregnancy
- Weight gain in cats, cats gain significantly during pregnancy.
- Change in the cat’s eye, notice a change in the cat’s eye and become more beautiful
- Cats become more gentle, when pregnant, the cat becomes more affectionate and demands to be petted.
- A change in the color of the cat’s breast. Changes appear on the cat’s breast, and it tends to be red and swollen significantly.
- A bulge in the cat’s stomach.
- Vomiting: Pregnant cats have an increased chance of vomiting.
stages of cats life with pictures.
The cat gives birth to her children in a small size, and the cat is deaf and blind, and the cat’s senses begin to work gradually after 12 days of the cat’s age.
The average age of cats reaches 15 ten years, the age of cats increases in some rare cases, and the oldest recorded age of a cat has reached 38 years.
Many studies have proven that the life of cats can increase if the cat performs the process of castration of cats, “cat sterilization,” that is, the removal of cats’ genitals, and this has been confirmed by many research papers interested in studying the ages of cats.
stages of cats life with pictures, the childhood of cats.
After the cats are born, and as we mentioned above, young cats are deaf with their eyes closed and blind.
This stage is one of the most important stages of cat growth, as the mother breastfeeds her children and provides them with all the nutrients they need through cat milk that they get from their mother.
At this stage, the mother must be given a lot of attention and provided with a larger amount of food so that she can produce her children’s milk optimally and be rich in important elements.
Stages of growth of kittens the first week after birth.
The mother cat, during the first week of birth, removes the bag that surrounds her child, which came out with him during his birth, by digging it with her teeth and claws
The cat begins to grow gradually during this week until it can open its eyes and inhale normally.
The mother massages her baby to stimulate the cat’s intestines and excrete waste from the baby’s body.
Watch how to prepare for a new cat.
The stages of growth of kittens are the second and third week after birth.
During this period of the growth stages of young cats, the cat will have opened his eyes fully and his eyes begin to see, but his eyesight is weak, so it is recommended to put him in a closed place such as a cat box.
The remainder of the cat’s umbilical cord also falls off.
Also during this period of development of cats, the cat’s auditory system begins to work, and its teeth begin to appear so that the cat prepares its children for weaning from colostrum milk, or cat milk.
Stages of cat growth in the fourth and fifth week of kittens’ life after birth.
During this period of cats’ life, cats begin to increase their movement and lose the place in which they live and begin to dispense with staying next to the mother cat all the time.
Cats’ intestines begin to digest food “cats” and are ready to completely dispense with colostrum or cat milk.
During this period, cats are trained in the cat litter box, as this period is considered the easiest time to train the cat to take out its litter in the appropriate place.
Stages of growth of kittens the sixth week after birth.
In the sixth week of the cat’s life, the breeder begins to give the cat the necessary vaccinations and vaccinations for kittens. During this period, cats depend on eating steel cats and are completely weaned from milk.
Get all cat vaccinations through Animal Oasis Clinics.
stages of cats life with pictures.
stages of cats life in pictures, the stage of puberty.
One of the most enjoyable stages of cats is puberty when cats are very strong and active and tend to play more than ever.
Puberty is the longest stage in a cat’s life, spanning nearly ten years.
Puberty in cats is divided into two parts, “from six months to two years of age, and from three years to ten years.”
We will differentiate the developmental stages of cats during puberty and determine their ages as follows.
stages of cats life in pictures, puberty, from six months to two years.
At this stage of cat growth, the cat begins to grow rapidly, and the cat also becomes sexually adult during this stage, specifically from 6 to 8 months of age.
During this stage of cat growth, the cat begins to get to know itself and the place in which it is located more. He tries to protect himself and avoid recklessness and self-harm.
This stage is similar to the stage of puberty in humans, which is equivalent to 15 years of human life, “the age of cats about humans.
During puberty, kittens reach full size for growth.
stages of cats life in pictures, the stage of puberty, from three years to ten years.
It is considered one of the most important stages in the life of cats, during which the cat reaches perfection in the growth of its body and mental and behavioral development.
The cat at this stage tends to increase activity, movement, and hyper-strength due to its complete growth.
It should be noted that at this stage of the development of cats, the degree of maturity of cats compared to humans reaches the highest levels of maturity. Where the cat in its maturity during this stage resembles the degree of maturity of a human being in his mid-forties, “the age of cats for humans during the stages of cat growth.
stages of cats life in pictures, the stage of aging “pyramid”.
After the cat reaches eleven years of age, it enters a new stage of cat growth, this stage is called the “senescence stage.”
It is called so because the cat reaches the age at which a lack of movement and vitality begins in cats. The symptoms of aging appear on the features of cats clearly at this age.
The aging stage in cats is divided into two parts, the first stage, is from the age of “eleven to fourteen years.” The second stage, it is from the age of “fifteen years and over”.
The stages of life of cats in pictures, the aging stage from the age of “eleven to fourteen years”
At this stage of its life, the cat reaches the pyramid, and the age of the cat in humans is equivalent to the age of a person who has exceeded his sixties.
Movement decreases significantly during this period, and during this stage of cat growth, the cat tends to sit and sleep for long periods and lacks vitality.
At this stage, the cat needs increased care and periodic examination in one of the animal oasis veterinary clinics.
Attention must also be paid to the type of food provided to him and to choose for him to eat cats appropriate for his age.
In Animal Oasis, we provide cat food suitable for aging cats
The stages of life of cats in pictures, the aging stage from the age of “eleven to fourteen years”
At this stage of its life, the cat reaches the pyramid, and the age of the cat in humans is equivalent to the age of a person who has exceeded his sixties.
Movement decreases significantly during this period, and during this stage of cat growth, the cat tends to sit and sleep for long periods and lacks vitality.
At this stage, the cat needs increased care and periodic examination in one of the animal oasis veterinary clinics.
Attention must also be paid to the type of food provided to him and to choose for him to eat cats appropriate for his age.
In Animal Oasis, we provide cat food suitable for aging cats